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Beginners Guide To Aerial Photography: What You Need to Know


Staff member
Mar 22, 2024
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I hope you’re not afraid of heights because in this article we will be diving into some tips for any photographer who would like to explore the sky with a camera by their side. Aerial photography is slowly starting to become a trend amongst photographers—well, at least the brave ones. No worries, I was scared at first too, but when you finally decide to give it a try, it won’t be so bad because you are captivated by the view. This article will exclude drone photography, as you may be going a bit higher than a drone may permit before it loses signal and plummets to the ground.

A lot of people may ask, “why would you want to go thousands of feet in the air just to take aerial photos when there is technology that can do that for you?” Well for one, with all this new technology coming out, they all have their limitations as to how far and how long they can work. For example, your regular DJI drone probably lasts around 35 minutes on a single charge. This is assuming that mother nature permits it to fly unbothered with minimal winds or any other elements.

4 Aerial Photography Tips for Beginners​

Book A Flight​

This is one of the most important tips for packing your aerial camera gear and getting excited to disappear in the clouds. Run a quick search for a location near you, and see what packages or services are offered for those who would like to do a tour. I have seen many aerial photographers do this at the last minute, and then end up having to wait a few days or even weeks before they can get on an aircraft. It also does not necessarily have to be a plane—a helicopter tour can also help you reach your desired elevation—and may even be better.

aerial photography
that you can control from the ground, but rather you thousands of feet in the sky flying over unfamiliar terrain. Knowledge is power, and it’s always better to be safe and prepared than sorry and uncertain as to what you need to do.

Aerial Photography is a Thrilling Adventure​

Aerial photography is a photography niche where you get to explore the world from a different perspective to capture breathtaking air photos. Whether you’re a professional photographer or a hobbyist, we encourage you to try this technique to take your photography to new levels. We hope you find these quick and easy tips useful for planning your next trip in the clouds. Until next time, be safe and have fun shooting.


The post Beginners Guide To Aerial Photography: What You Need to Know appeared first on Sleeklens - Tools and Training for Photographers.
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