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Beginners Guide to Street Photography


Staff member
Mar 22, 2024
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For many of us, the thought of starting a conversation with a complete stranger frightens us. So why in the world would we do this willingly while also trying to sneak a picture out of it? Simply put: because it opens up an entirely new and exciting world of possibilities.

If you’ve been inspired by the work of street photographers, such as Henri Cartier Bresson or more modern day street photographers such as Bruce Gilden, and wished you could gather up the courage to do it yourself—today is the day to get started. In this street photography guide, we will consider some practical advice, along with some tried and true methods that will help a beginner get on the streets.

How to Do Street Photography​

Being one of the most diverse forms of photography, street photography can be very exciting. Street photography encompasses things such as portrait photography, landscape photography, urban photography, low light photography, and more all bundled into one. This ultimately means there are no specific rules or guidelines when it comes to street photography, and you can pretty much try anything you please that fits into the genre of street photography itself. However, in this section, we will be discussing street photography tips to help you get the best photographs.



Famous Street Photographers​

If you’re looking for inspiration to improve your street photography skills, one of the best ways is to study the experts. A few popular street photographers to study include:

  • Martin Parr
  • Henri Cartier Bresson
  • Bruce Gilden
  • Joel Meyerowitz
  • Lee Friedlander
  • Robert Doisneau
  • Helen Levitt
  • Robert Frank
  • William Eggleston
  • Saul Leiter
  • Diane Arbus

Street Photography Requires Skill and Confidence​

Street photography can be a fun and challenging way to improve your photographic skills. It’s also a great way to explore the world and capture everyday life as it happens. We hope these tips have given you some ideas on how to get started with street photography.


The post Beginners Guide to Street Photography appeared first on Sleeklens - Tools and Training for Photographers.
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