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The Best 11 Books Every Photographer Must Read in 2023


Staff member
Mar 22, 2024
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Many people believe that books are a thing of the past, thankfully there are many of us that won’t replace the joy of reading with any YouTube video or similar learning medium. Don’t get me wrong, there’s plenty of quality content to access in streaming platforms and all over the internet, but even though, most of the produced content out there has a background in the books those creators have read all over these years.

Today, I’d like to introduce you to what I consider are the best books to be read this year if you aim to become a professional photographer. Without much ado, let’s get started.

#1 – Digital Photography Complete Course by DK

dk digital photography complete course book

The book itself starts from the very basics of explaining the different elements that make a camera – taking as an example a DSLR camera, though the elements mostly apply to any kind of camera. The care procedures for your gear, how to pick between tripods, useful gear and more. Lessons will move towards manual mode, with absolutely detailed and graphic explanations of the camera modes, shutter speed, aperture, etc.

Besides the visual format, one good element is that at the end of each chapter you get a tiny quiz to put your knowledge to test. It’s an all-in-one compendium of lessons that can be reviewed over and over for a convenient price.

Bonus: Books worth to be checked​

  1. The Photographer’s Eye Remastered
  2. Mastering Portrait Photography by Paul Wilkinson and Sarah Plater
  3. Food Photography: A Beginner’s Guide to Creating Appetizing Images
  4. Understanding Color in Photography: Using Color, Composition, and Exposure to Create Vivid Photos
  5. The Art, Science, and Craft of Great Landscape Photography

Well, I hope this selection of best books for photographers in 2022 inspires you to find new challenges as a photographer. See you next time!

The post The Best 11 Books Every Photographer Must Read in 2023 appeared first on Sleeklens - Tools and Training for Photographers.
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